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9 years Palestinian kid Musa Zalloum was subjected to kidnapping by a group of armed Zionists in the West Bank. They tried to strangle and slaughter him like what they have done this dawn with another Palestinian kid Mohammed Abu Khudair. Zalloum's father managed to rescue the kid before he was killed! Will the damned so-called president Abbas condemn this act?! Will the so-called civilized international community doom or decry the brutal acts of the Zionists?! الطفل الفلسطيني موسى زلوم الذي حاول صهاينة مسلحون خنقه وذبحه كما فعلوا مع الطفل محمد أبو خضور والد الطفل تمكن من إنقاذه في آخر لحظة هل سيشجب الملعون المسمى الرئيس عباس هذا الأمر؟! هل سيدين ما يسمى بالمجتمع الدولي المتحضر اعتداءات الصهاينة الوحشية؟! |
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Who are the terrorists?
1. The First World War 17 million dead (caused by
2. The Second World War 50-55 million dead
(caused by non-Muslims)
3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 200,000 dead (caused
by non-Muslims)
4. The war in Vietnam over 5 million dead (caused
by non-Muslims)
5. The war in Bosnia / Kosovo over 500,000 dead
(caused non-Muslims)
6. War in Iraq (so far) 1,200,000 deaths (caused
7. Afghanistan, Burma etc. (caused by Non-
You still think that Islam is the problem?!
Islam is the greatest threat to people! Muslims
are terrorist ?
People understand the realities of LIFE instead of
just moving with the false media propoganda..... .
Who started the first world war ? Muslims ??
Who started the second world war ? Muslims ??
Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in
Australia ? Muslims ??
Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in
North America ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in
south America ? Muslims ??
Who took about 180 millions of African people as
slaves and 88% of them died and was thrown in
Atlantic ocean ? Muslims ??
No , They weren't Muslims!!!
First of all, You have to define terrorism properly...
If a non-Muslim do something bad..it is crime.
But if a Muslim commits the same....he is
terrorist... So first remove this double
standards...the n come to the point!!! , . . . . .
Today the international media specially the
western media says,"All Muslims are not
terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim."But if you
go back to the history, you will find 100%
falsehood in this statement. For example;
In the history of the world, who killed the
maximun humans? "Hitler"
Do you know who he was??? He was a christian.
But media never said christains were terrorist!!!
Who killed 20 million human beings including 14.5
million starved to death?"
Joseph Stalin called as
Uncle Joe"
Was he a Muslim??? NO!!!
Who killed 14 to 20 million human beings?
"Mao Tse Tsung (China)"
Was he a Muslim??? NO!!!
In Kalinga battle who killed 100 thousand human
"Ashoka" Was he a Muslim??? NO!!!
Who has killed millions of Muslims in Afghanistan
and Iraq in the last 10 years? More than half
million of them were innocent children!"Georg e
Bush and Barak Obama"
Why the world does not call them terrorists???
Today the majority of non Muslims are afraid by
hearing the word"Jihad".
Jihad is an Arabic word
which means"To strive"or"To struggle". To strive
and struggle against evil and for justice. It does
not mean killing innocent people. The diffrence is
we stand against evil, not with evil.
2. The Second World War 50-55 million dead
(caused by non-Muslims)
3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 200,000 dead (caused
by non-Muslims)
4. The war in Vietnam over 5 million dead (caused
by non-Muslims)
5. The war in Bosnia / Kosovo over 500,000 dead
(caused non-Muslims)
6. War in Iraq (so far) 1,200,000 deaths (caused
7. Afghanistan, Burma etc. (caused by Non-
You still think that Islam is the problem?!
Islam is the greatest threat to people! Muslims
are terrorist ?
People understand the realities of LIFE instead of
just moving with the false media propoganda..... .
Who started the first world war ? Muslims ??
Who started the second world war ? Muslims ??
Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in
Australia ? Muslims ??
Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in
North America ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in
south America ? Muslims ??
Who took about 180 millions of African people as
slaves and 88% of them died and was thrown in
Atlantic ocean ? Muslims ??
No , They weren't Muslims!!!
First of all, You have to define terrorism properly...
If a non-Muslim do something bad..it is crime.
But if a Muslim commits the same....he is
terrorist... So first remove this double
standards...the n come to the point!!! , . . . . .
Today the international media specially the
western media says,"All Muslims are not
terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim."But if you
go back to the history, you will find 100%
falsehood in this statement. For example;
In the history of the world, who killed the
maximun humans? "Hitler"
Do you know who he was??? He was a christian.
But media never said christains were terrorist!!!
Who killed 20 million human beings including 14.5
million starved to death?"
Joseph Stalin called as
Uncle Joe"
Was he a Muslim??? NO!!!
Who killed 14 to 20 million human beings?
"Mao Tse Tsung (China)"
Was he a Muslim??? NO!!!
In Kalinga battle who killed 100 thousand human
"Ashoka" Was he a Muslim??? NO!!!
Who has killed millions of Muslims in Afghanistan
and Iraq in the last 10 years? More than half
million of them were innocent children!"Georg e
Bush and Barak Obama"
Why the world does not call them terrorists???
Today the majority of non Muslims are afraid by
hearing the word"Jihad".
Jihad is an Arabic word
which means"To strive"or"To struggle". To strive
and struggle against evil and for justice. It does
not mean killing innocent people. The diffrence is
we stand against evil, not with evil.
Israel balas dendam
Baitulmaqdis: Israel mengebom beberapa kawasan di Gaza semalam selepas tiga remaja Yahudi yang dilaporkan diculik ditemui mati.
Rejim Zionis menyalahkan Hamas atas kejadian penculikan dan pembunuhan itu.
Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu berikrar membalas dendam ke atas Hamas mayat ketiga-tiga remaja itu ditemui di bawah timbunan batu berhampiran Hebron, kelmarin.
Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu berikrar membalas dendam ke atas Hamas mayat ketiga-tiga remaja itu ditemui di bawah timbunan batu berhampiran Hebron, kelmarin.
Menurut tentera rejim itu, pesawat melancarkan serangan udara di 34 kawasan yang kebanyakannya dikuasai Hamas.
JENAZAH Yousouf Al-Zagha diusung penduduk tempatan sebelum dikebumikan di kem pelarian Jenin, Tebing Barat semalam.
Ia bagaimanapun tidak mengaitkan serangan itu dengan penculikan berkenaan.
Sebaliknya, mereka mendakwa serangan dilancarkan selepas Hamas melancarkan 18 serangan roket dari Gaza ke arah wilayah Israel sejak dua hari lalu.
Sebaliknya, mereka mendakwa serangan dilancarkan selepas Hamas melancarkan 18 serangan roket dari Gaza ke arah wilayah Israel sejak dua hari lalu.
Sehingga ini, Hamas masih berdiam diri mengenai dakwaan penglibatannya dalam kes penculikan pada 12 Jun itu.
Dalam mesyuarat kabinet keselamatan, rejim Zionis mencadangkan tindakan ‘setimpal’ diambil ke atas Hamas di Tebing Barat sebagai tindak balas ke atas kematian ketiga-tiga remaja berkenaan.
Dalam perkembangan sama, jurucakap tentera Israel berkata, pihaknya menembak mati seorang remaja Palestin yang didakwa melontar bom ke arah tentera yang cuba menahan seorang rakyat Palestin di kem pelarian Jenin.
Pegawai Palestin mengenalpasti remaja itu sebagai Yousouf Ibrahim Abu Zagha, 19.
Penculikan ketiga-tiga remaja Yahudi itu mendorong rakyat Israel mengadakan tunjuk perasaan.
“Mereka diculik dan dibunuh dengan kejam. Hamas yang bertanggungjawab dan mereka akan menanggung akibat daripada perbuatan mereka,” kata Netanyahu.
Ketiga-tiga remaja itu - Gil-Ad Shaer, 16, Naftali Fraenkel, 16, dan Eyal Yifrah, 19, - didakwa ditembak selepas diculik dan mayat mereka dikebumikan semalam.
Israel melancarkan operasi besar-besaran dengan menahan ratusan penduduk Palestin, termasuk puluhan anggota Hamas.
Ia juga menyebabkan kematian enam warga Palestin. - Reuters
Israel gempur kedudukan Hamas
GAZA CITY 1 Julai - Tentera rejim Israel melancarkan berpuluh-puluh serangan udara ke atas kedudukan kumpulan Hamas di Genting Gaza awal hari ini, ketika seorang remaja lelaki mati ditembak askar Zionis dalam satu serbuan ke atas kem pelarian di utara Tebing Barat.
Tentera Israel menyatakan, sebanyak 34 sasaran dibom dalam tempoh 10 minit ke atas kemudahan kumpulan Hamas dan pergerakan Jihad Islam.
Kapal tentera laut Israel turut melancarkan serangan meriam ke atas kemudahan Hamas di utara Gaza manakala empat penduduk Palestin cedera dalam serangan dekat sempadan selatan Genting Gaza.
Dalam pada itu, tentera Zionis mendakwa remaja lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Yusuf Abu Zagher, 18, cuba melancarkan serangan berani mati ke atas askar Zionis yang melakukan serbuan memburu anggota Hamas di kem pelarian Jenin.
Bagaimanapun, agensi berita, Palestin Wafa melaporkan, mangsa sedang membawa makanan untuk keluarganya berbuka puasa ketika ditembak oleh askar Yahudi.
Rejim Zionis melancarkan serbuan besar-besaran memburu anggota pergerakan Hamas yang dituduh terlibat dalam penculikan tiga remaja Yahudi yang ditemukan mati dibunuh di sebuah ladang di Hebron.
Namun jurucakap pergerakan Hamas, Sami Abu Zuhri menolak tuduhan dan ancaman Israel ke atas kumpulan terbabit sambil menyifatkan dakwaan rejim Zionis itu tidak boleh dipercayai.
"Tiada kumpulan Palestin, Hamas atau pergerakan lain yang terlibat dalam kes penculikan dan pembunuhan tiga remaja terbabit," katanya. - DPA
Artikel Penuh: http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/Luar_Negara/20140702/lu_05/Israel-gempur-kedudukan-Hamas#ixzz36Fwku66X
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