Thursday, 5 September 2013
August 27, 2001 - Abu Ali Mustafa, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), killed when U.S.-supplied Israeli Apache helicopters fire rockets through his office windows as he sat at his desk in his office in Ramallah, in a targeted killing. Over 50,000 mourners attended his funeral.
(image: 2012 rally in Ramallah marking 11th anniversary of the assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa) category/leaders/ abu-ali-mustafa/
(image: 2012 rally in Ramallah marking 11th anniversary of the assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa)
Sayah al-Touri was arrested on Monday with three other activists from the Bedouin village,
Sayah al-Touri was arrested on Monday with three other activists from the Bedouin village, which has been repeatedly demolished by Israeli forces.
"Prison is better for me than being deported away from al-Araqib," he said via his lawyer.
Several of the villagers detained by Israel were told by police that they would be released on condition that they didn’t go back to al-Araqib.
All of them refused the offer.
Israeli authorities demolished the village of al-Araqib for the 54th time on Aug. 15.
There are about 260,000 Bedouin in Israel, mostly living in and around the Negev in the arid south. More than half live in unrecognized villages without utilities and many also live in extreme poverty.
The Israeli government in January approved the Prawer-Begin Bill, calling for the relocation of 30,000 - 40,000 Bedouin, the demolition of about 40 villages and the confiscation of more than 700,000 dunums of land in the Negev.
It was approved by parliament in a first reading in June, and two more votes on it are expected.
Source: eng/ ViewDetails.aspx?ID=624467
"Prison is better for me than being deported away from al-Araqib," he said via his lawyer.
Several of the villagers detained by Israel were told by police that they would be released on condition that they didn’t go back to al-Araqib.
All of them refused the offer.
Israeli authorities demolished the village of al-Araqib for the 54th time on Aug. 15.
There are about 260,000 Bedouin in Israel, mostly living in and around the Negev in the arid south. More than half live in unrecognized villages without utilities and many also live in extreme poverty.
The Israeli government in January approved the Prawer-Begin Bill, calling for the relocation of 30,000 - 40,000 Bedouin, the demolition of about 40 villages and the confiscation of more than 700,000 dunums of land in the Negev.
It was approved by parliament in a first reading in June, and two more votes on it are expected.
Israel's siege on Gaza, now supported by Egypt.
•Destroying Tunnels
•Rafah Border issues
•Firing at fishermen yesterday: eng/ ViewDetails.aspx?ID=625444
•Destroying Tunnels
•Rafah Border issues
•Firing at fishermen yesterday:
Gaza : Perdana Menteri Palestine Ismail Haniyeh menegaskan, ada upaya untuk menyeret perlawanan Palestina dan Jalur Gaza ke pertempuran bagi menjauhi penjajah Zionis. Haniyeh menegaskan bahawa pemerintahnya tidak meggiring rakyat Palestina untuk memerangi Mesir atau memusuhi negara manapun walau apapun kesulitan dan tekanan yang dialami Jalur Gaza.
Dalam sidang di gedung dewan legislatif di Gaza pada Khamis (5/9),Ayah Haniyeh menyatakan bahawa tekanan-tekanan yang ada saat ini sebelumnya pernah bahkan selalu dialami oleh rakyat Palestina berpuluh-puluh tahun. Dia turut melayangkan tentang perubahan persepsi di sebahagian negara Arab terhadap isu Palestina.
Haniyeh menegaskan bahawa pemerintah Palestina tidak akan kehilangan kompas dan arah tujuan meskipun menghadapi invasi zalim yang sebelumnya didahului dengan provokasi dan blokade (sekatan). Dia mengatakan, “Kami tidak menggiring rakyat kecuali menuju pembebasan al Aqsa dan melawan penjajah Zionis.”
Dalam pidatonya Haniyeh menenangkan rakyat Palestina dengan mengatakan, “ Biar Apapun yang kita alami, namun rakyat yang meledakkan perlawanan sejak puluhan tahun pasti mampu menggagalkan semua rencana musuh terhadapnya.”
Haniyah kembali menegaskan bahawa pemerintahan nya tetap menolak perundingan yang terjadi antara otoritas Palestina dan penjajah Zionis. dia mengingatkan bahawa perundingan hanya memperkukuhkan dan memperkuatkan lagi pembangunan permukiman Yahudi dan eksistensi penjajah Zionis di atas tanah Palestina, sekaligus melemahkan pembelaan terhadap isu Palestina. Perundingan ini hanya terjadi kerana digerakkan oleh tujuan peribadi semata-mata yang jauh dari kepaentingan Palestina itu sendiri .
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